
BNOSAC provides consultancy services in open source analytical intelligence. We supply you with the knowledge, the technology and the practical skills to efficiently boost your business through analytical problem-solving. We consider ourselves as helpers.

We aid in setting up analytical platforms, statistical servers, data marts, we build up statistical web applications, help you integrate these applications in your operational systems and let you understand and apply the analytical techniques that can leverage your strategic business goals.

BNOSAC was founded in 2008.

Our vision

Some issues can be dealt with more easily with computers. Currently computers aren't good enough yet. So we need to help them understand you better.

our vision

New information technologies are rapidly coming to market and are shaping today's economy. It is our job to make these available to you in the right decision-oriented format so that these new developments can help you make better and quicker judgements for strategic issues in your organisation. To this end, we focus on the more advanced statistical and AI tools that are ready to be used in a professional setting.

We see a shift of production and mentality among software and analytical developers and users. What is important is collaboration, openness, interoperability, speed and ease of developing. We share this vision.

We also notice that in today's economy, data and information are becoming the main sources of competitive wealth. RFID, internet, biotechnology, signal processing, tracking bots, customer behaviour monitoring, financial brokerage are new important areas of growth. BNOSAC aims to be on the crossroad of these business domains, helping these technologies to become accessible to everyday users while respecting people's privacy.

In our economy, helping still seems to be a similar word to making money. For BNOSAC, helping is not an economical value. Indeed, there are only noneconomic values. These noneconomic values for us are fostering our community through the aid of social projects, education programs, the development of intercultural relationships, the sensibilisation of environmental issues and the support of cultural happenings. To this goal, we will use our technological skills, our analytical skills and our problem solving skills.
Our expertise lies in analytical technologies and open source software. In order to maintain this approach, the development of open and free analytical software will be actively supported by BNOSAC.

We believe that making these choices are not only the correct moral choices but also choices that will be important in the future economy.