Open Data in Belgium - release of BelgiumStatistics R package
On 22/10/2015, the Belgium government launched its Open Data initiative by releasing a number of datasets related to population statistics, fiscal information, 'kadaster', the 2011 census and some tools. Because BNOSAC works a lot with these kind of data and because we like to promote open data, an R package called BelgiumStatistics was made available for R users at
The package contains all the datasets released by Statistics Belgium (Bevolking, Werk, Leefmilieu, Census 2011) under the 'Licentie open data'. Readily available to R users. Thanks to the open data, analysing and visualising Belgium data has now become a lot smoother as the example below shows.
require(BelgiumStatistics) require(data.table) require(BelgiumMaps) require(leaflet) data(TF_SOC_POP_STRUCT_2015) ## Part of BelgiumStatistics data(mapbelgium.fusiegemeenten.wgs) ## Part of BelgiumMaps (not released yet) x <- x <- x[, list(MS_POPULATION = sum(MS_POPULATION), Foreigners = sum(MS_POPULATION[TX_NATLTY_NL == "Vreemdelingen"]) / sum(MS_POPULATION), Age = 100 * sum(MS_POPULATION * CD_AGE) / sum(MS_POPULATION), Females = 100 * sum(MS_POPULATION[CD_SEX == "F"]) / sum(MS_POPULATION)), by = list(CD_MUNTY_REFNIS, TX_MUNTY_DESCR_NL)] x <- setDF(x) mymap <- merge(mapbelgium.fusiegemeenten.wgs, x, by.x = "ORDER08", by.y = "CD_MUNTY_REFNIS", all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE) mymap <- subset(mymap, ! pal <- colorNumeric(palette = "Blues", domain = mymap$Foreigners) leaflet(mymap) %>% addTiles() %>% addPolygons(stroke = FALSE, smoothFactor = 0.2, fillOpacity = 0.85, color = ~pal(Foreigners))
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