Use cases

BNOSAC is specialised in predictive data mining on huge databases to aid in better decision making. We adopt the newest statistical and technological innovations and apply it for business purposes. Our methodology is proven to be excellent by obtaining the second place at the Florida data mining competition.

activities standard data miningWe focus on the following domains:


  • Optimizing mailings and promotional campaigns by using recommender systems or collaborative filtering systems similar to Amazon or Netflix
  • Models to acquire new clients
  • Models to predict bad dept or to predict churn
  • Segmentation modelling to improve marketing response

Price settings

  • Models to improve product price settings
  • Measure the price elasticity of your clients
  • Measure the impact of promotional campaigns of competitors
  • Models to support setting up effective cross-selling actions
  • Model cannibalisation - make sure you don't compete against yourself
  • Web scraping of prices

Text Mining

  • Understanding customer / employee feedback
  • Mining call agent logs and IT support tickets
  • Text analytics on emails
  • Typical use cases are: Understanding issues, IT handling reduction time, Automated replies matching FAQ lists, Integrating into predictive models (churn / upsell), Better email redirections (process efficiency) & Automatic solving of client issues

Production & quality control

  • Models to identify causes of system breakdown
  • Predict productivity by using time series models
  • Statistical evaluation and optimisation of quality of product items
  • Improve by using fuzzy measurement technologies
  • Link quality to customer satisfaction and develop risk frameworks

architecture advanced analytics

Big Data Architectural setups including advanced analytics

  • Advise on the use of big data technologies
  • Advise on the use of R inside the organisation

Risk analysis

  • Identify most risky customers and calculate customer value
  • Advise on product portfolio

HR Analytics

  • Done in cooperation with the Belgium market leader iNostix (by Deloitte), contact us for more details
Automation & integration
  • We set up data marts for data mining purposes, automate the modelling + scoring and create easy to use interfaces.


R methodology

logo r  BNOSAC provides expertise in statistical modelling, data science, text mining, web scraping, biostatistics, statistical web development and integration services regarding data analytics. R is always a component which is included into these services as it is the most used data science software worldwide. 

R inside the organisation + R architectural advice

We provide R support which is detailed here. If your team uses R, there are different levels of maturity which require different skillsets in the organisation.

BNOSAC sets your team on the right track regarding R usage by providing in-house courses as well by sharing best practices for R usage for each application domain and each business. We also provide architectural advise on the usage of R. Contact us for more details by filling the web form.

architecture r maturity



R project set up by BNOSAC 

1 As a standard delivery, projects with an R component by BNOSAC consist of the following elements:

  • One or several R packages which were developed to execute the analysis and for reproducibility
  • A CRAN-like R package repository which can be used to install all the packages and the dependencies
  • Access to the RolleR R continuous integration environment by BNOSAC.
  • In-house training for R users for based on the training courses listed here. This includes making sure you can redo the analysis in-house and have in-depth understanding of the techniques used.

r deployment

2 All R packages are delivered according to the current standards, namely:

  • By using the development environment RStudio
  • All functions are put into an R package and are documented with roxygen code blocks, based on which documentation is provided. These contain examples based on data delivered by the client which is included inside the package
  • The R package contains a vignette with general overview documentation how to use the function
  • For core functionality, unit testing are specified
  • All code passes R CMD check, so that it can be published on CRAN
  • The client specifies the licence and is owner of the code if specified during the setup

3 During the initial meeting, we discuss the setup and the backbone of the application which can for example be as follows

architecture advanced analytics





BNOSAC provides expertise in statistical modelling, data science, text mining, web scraping, biostatistics, statistical web development and integration services regarding data analytics. It supports all facets of the usage of data analytics at the enterprise. From adhoc analysis to tailor made & integrated solutions. We help set up the best working conditions for data scientists, get them up to speed with training and provide solutions to speed up deployment.

Statistical Serviceshome statistics

Data Sciencehome datascience

Spatial Analytics

At BNOSAC, we use spatial data mining to discover interesting and previously unknown spatial patterns in large datasets. The service line spatial data mining executes exploratory spatial analysis, we create Web Map Services(WMS), perform geomarketing analytics, do analysis of recorded GPS log trackings, create custom based interactive maps, provide data enrichments or perform advanced geostatistics.

activities spatial data mining geomarketing

Business Mapping and geostatistics

If you are interested in simple mapping of geostatistical data in order to know the best potential of new sites, to optimally leverage your promotions or to see how your customers behave on a certain campaign in your area of interest, we can help you. We make geomarketing maps of your data tailored to your needs. Our mapping tools allow you to visually see where you can boost your sales with a minimal marketing effort.


Geocoding refers to adding lattitude and longitude coordinates to addresses of customers in your database so that they can be plotted. BNOSAC offers gecoding services freely if other analytical services are included in the contract. Mail us so that we can contact you to supply you with more detailed information.

activities spatial data mining geocoding

  Open Data about Belgium

BNOSAC provides open data about Belgium in any suitable format. A number of open source R packages for this are made available at and at

example railways

example taxrate smooth

bxl income

If you want more detailed information about the possible data which can be provided for your business, mail us so that we can contact you to supply you with more detailed information.

Data Enrichments & Web Map Services

Having latitude/longitude pairs or data from OpenStreetmap is just the beginning of your spatial journey. You are probably interested in other elements like what part of the country do our branches cover, who is living there and what do they do. We set up new data enrichments and maps and provide you the shape files. So that these mapping solutions can be included at your intra- or internet for a wider audience. We help you set up these web map services and provide analytical geostatistics & data manipulation. Contact us if you want to discuss the requirements of your project.

fr tesselation

GPS log analysis

Do you want to know where your customers live, how they move, which places interest them and what they do there and you want to know how you can target them better and more efficiently, we are there to help. We analyse GPS logs and set up predictive models to improve customer experiences.


We give training in spatial analytics using open source tools. This training covers the following topics.

  • Importing spatial data and setting the spatial projection
  • Plotting spatial data on static and interactive maps
  • Adding graphical components to spatial maps
  • Manipulation of geospatial data, geocoding, distances, ...
  • Density estimation and spatial point pattern analysis
  • Spatial regression
  • Kriging and spatial predictions

More information can be found here.

Statistical Consulting

BNOSAC consultants are experts in statistical consulting and biostatistical analysis. From adhoc analysis to integrated solutions.

Statisticshome statistics

BNOSAC experts give consulting for the use of statistical modelling within commercial environments. We either do adhoc analysis or automated statistics and are specialised in the following statistical topics:

  • Basic statistics
  • Multivariate modelling (clustering, PCA, generalized linear models) and categorical data analysis
  • Stochastic Simulations
  • Predictive modelling: boosting, bagging, GAM, randomforests, SVM, neural networks and regularization techniques
  • Mixed models, survival analysis, latent variable models
  • Time series, state space models, filtering techniques, markov switching models and basic risk analysis
  • Point pattern analysis and network analysis
  • Data fusion techniques

Biostatisticsactivities biostatistics bioconductor 

BNOSAC consultants have worked in biostatistical projects for several years, using SAS and working with hierarchical models and survival analysis. Our expertise domain in biostatistics is the following: 

  • Sample size and power calculations
  • Design of Experiments
  • Statistical analysis for clinical trials.
  • Automation of reports
  • Mixed modelling
  • Bayesian analysis
  • Survival analysis
  • Matching
  • Help in the use of bioconductor packages

Contact us to see if we can help.


We give training in statistical methodology and statistical open source tools. More information can be found here.